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Donate Now
Life changes
because of you
The Welfare Council has worked alongside the underprivileged, providing services to hundreds of thousands of people in need every year. However, we also need your donation and support so that those in need can receive appropriate assistance and social services to have confidence and hope in their plight.

"It is more blessed to give than to receive" - May you take action to bring blessings to more people in need, and may the love of Jesus be with you.
 Donation Methods Donation Methods
You may donate via any of the following means:
donation_1 Online Donation



donation_2 PayMe donation_bg_1
Donate now:
Please scan the QR code or click donation_2
Donation Receipt:
Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible.
Please leave the name on receipt, contact number and address in the payment message.
donation_2 Donation by crossed cheque

Make payable to :「Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited」; please indicate on the back of the cheque the purpose of the donation.

donation_3 Bank transfer to any one of the
following bank accounts under the
「Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council」*

Hang Seng Bank:024-255-757999-883 or
The Bank of East Asia:015-514-10-407766-1
(Please make sure you collect a pay-in-slip or receipt of proof and indicate the purpose of the donation on the back of the slip/receipt)

donation_4 Donation at Circle K Convenience Store*

Please bring along and present the barcode printed on the donation form to any Circle K convenience store when making a cash donation.
(Maximum donation amount is HKD 5,000; please keep the receipt after the transaction.)

donation_5 PPS donation_payment_5

Please dial 18033 or visit to donate with the merchant code 「6299」。

donation-6-icon Remark *
    1. Please download, fill out the donation form, and mail to us with your crossed cheque/original payment slip/original Circle K receipt at the address below:
      Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team
      Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
      12/F, 112 Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
      Please do not send cash.
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Fax:2904 8222
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