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Monthly Donation
While we go about our daily lives, many people live barely at subsistence level under the same sky, facing hardships that we could never imagine. As the saying goes, 'many a little makes a mickle' - If we can make a small donation each month, by gathering everyone's effort, your love can rekindle the hope of the disadvantaged to overcome their difficulties.
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Walk Together
Your recurring donations provide various assistance to the underprivileged in our society, allowing the recipients to feel that you are walking alongside them......
In addition to subsidised services, the Welfare Council is actively expanding its fundraising efforts to increase resources to fill the service gaps. Recurring monthly donations can sustainably support the disadvantaged community for a wide range of needs, including living expenses, funeral expenses, medical expenses, food assistance, post-disaster relief and more.
One-day food assistance for a 3-person family living in subsistence-level (including 3 meals per day).
One-day food assistance for a 3-person family living in subsistence-level (including 3 meals per day).
Support "Act of Love" to provide food vouchers to unemployed people with urgent needs.
1 child with special learning needs will be sponsored to attend
'Sensory Social Training Group'
to enhance learning concentration and improve physical coordination.
1 child with special learning needs will be sponsored to attend  'Sensory Social Training Group' to enhance learning concentration and improve physical coordination.
Subsidise 1 elderly living alone / disadvantaged school child / people recovering from mental illness to subscribe a one-year Internet service
to keep in touch with family members or for continuous learning in the event of an epidemic.
Subsidise 1 elderly living alone / disadvantaged school child / people  recovering from mental illness to subscribe a one-year Internet service  to keep in touch with family members or for continuous learning in the event of an epidemic.
Support 1 stroke rehabilitation patient for rehabilitation.
Support 1 stroke rehabilitation patient for rehabilitation.
Subsidising a family living in subsistence-level to deposit the ashes of their deceased.
Subsidising a family living in subsistence-level to deposit the ashes of their deceased.
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