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Online One-off Donation

本人願意捐款作以下用途 I would like to donate for the following purpose(s)

1. 捐款資料 Donation Information
Donation Designation *
Donation Amount *
Receipt Required? *
捐款滿港幣 $100 可申請免稅。
Donation of HK$100 or above is tax deductible.
2. 捐款者資料 Donor Information
Donor Categories *
Name of Donor *
Email *
Telephone No. *
Mobile Phone No.
Fax No.
3. 地址 Address
(用作郵寄捐款收據用途,如需郵寄捐款收據請填寫詳細地址 please fill in the full address if you require a hard copy of the donation receipt)



Name of Building/House
Name of Estate
Street Name
Street No.
Country Outside HK
* 為必須輸入資料 Required data input
4. 捐款方式 Donation Methods
Card No. *
到期日 (MM/YY)
Expiry Date *
Security Code *
5. 成為會員 Member Registration

The login name is the email address : No email entered

5. 收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement
      1. 香港聖公會福利協會有限公司(下稱“福利協會”)將收集你的個人資料,作為處理有關網上捐款及/或慈善義賣的用途。福利協會可將你的個人資料,包括但不限於姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、郵寄地址等,向工作上有需要知道該等資料的福利協會職員、福利協會轄下相關部門及單位、及獲福利協會委任的其他服務提供者(包括但不限於銀行)等轉移及/或披露。有關的個人資料將按《個人資料(私隱)條例》處理,不會以任何形式出售、租借或轉讓予任何人士或組織。
      Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited (“the Welfare Council”) will collect your personal data for processing your online donation and/or purchase orders for charity. The Welfare Council may, where applicable, transfer and/or disclose your personal data, including but not limited to name, telephone number, email address and mailing address on a need-to-know basis to the staffs, relevant units and/or centres of the Welfare Council, and other service providers (including but not limited to banks) who are appointed by the Welfare Council. The personal data will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, and will not be sold, rented or transferred in any form through any means to any other persons or entities.
      2. 提供個人資料予福利協會純為自願。你必須在註明(*)的欄目,提供所需的個人資料。若你未能提供足夠個人資料,福利協會可能無法處理有關網上捐款及/或慈善義賣的訂單。
      Provision of personal data is voluntary. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with asterisks. In the event that you do not provide sufficient personal data, the Welfare Council may not be able to process your online donation and/or purchase orders.
      3. 你需確保所提供之資料為真確。遇有任何資料上之更改,你須儘快通知福利協會作有關更新。
      You have to ensure the accuracy of all the personal data supplied. Please notify the Welfare Council of any change of your personal data as soon as possible.
      4. 除《個人資料(私隱)條例》特定的豁免範圍外,你有權申請查閱及/或改正福利協會所存有關你的個人資料。查詢或提出申請可聯絡福利協會企業傳訊及市場營銷部(地址:香港灣仔堅尼地道112號12樓;電郵地址。
      Save and except the exempted circumstances specified under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and/or correction of your personal data held by the Welfare Council. For enquires or application, please contact our Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team at “12/F, 112 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong” or “”.
      5. 福利協會在需要時會轉移你的個人資料至第三方支付平台,以處理有關網上捐款及/或慈善義賣的訂單之用途。
      The Welfare Council may transfer your personal data to the third-party payment platform(s) for the purpose of processing your online donation and/or purchase orders if necessary.
      6. 福利協會可能會使用你的個人資料與你保持聯繫、發送資訊及作服務推廣及宣傳、籌募、義工招募、意見收集和其他與福利協會有關活動之用途。
      The Welfare Council may utilize your personal data for communicating with you, delivering news and information, and for the purposes of service promotion, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, conducting surveys and other activities associated with the Welfare Council.
      7. 如欲要求福利協會停止使用你的個人資料作上述用途,可聯絡福利協會的企業傳訊及市場營銷部。
      If you wish to request the Welfare Council to cease using your personal data for the above purpose, please contact our Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team.
      8. 如欲查看福利協會的《私隱政策聲明》,請按此
      Click HERE for our “Privacy Policy Statement”.
      Please indicate by putting a tick '✔' in the box below:
# 必須在空格內加上「✔」
# please put a "✔" in the box

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