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Gift in-kind

Gift in-kind
Walking alongside
with the disadvantaged
In addition to donating, donor can also donate items to the Welfare Council, including computer equipment, electrical appliances, musical instruments, stationery, books, cash vouchers and more. Your donation will be passed on to the underprivileged or to enhance the services of the Welfare Council. Please fill in the form below to indicate the items you would like to donate and your contact information. Our Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team will contact you soonest.
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Points to note :
    1. Please clearly provide the information of the donated items, including the natures, sizes, quantities and whether they are new or used.
    All donated items must be clean, dry and in good condition and that all parts are included if there are multiple attachments.
    3. For food donation, please clearly state the brand, origin and durability of the product. The donated food shall not be expired and perished. Ingredient label on the donated food is required. Due to food safety concerns, the manufactured food shall be made by licensed food factory with sealed package.
    4. We will contact the donor as soon as possible after we receive the information. To save the administration cost, we would appreciate if you could send the donated items to the designated location directly.
Remarks :
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us during office hours ( Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays ) at 2533 1296 or email to
On behalf of the people in need, thank you for your generosity and support!
      Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited (“the Welfare Council”) will collect your personal data for processing your online donation and/or purchase orders for charity. The Welfare Council may, where applicable, transfer and/or disclose your personal data, including but not limited to name, telephone number, email address and mailing address on a need-to-know basis to the staffs, relevant units and/or centres of the Welfare Council, and other service providers (including but not limited to banks) who are appointed by the Welfare Council. The personal data will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, and will not be sold, rented or transferred in any form through any means to any other persons or entities.
      Provision of personal data is voluntary. Please note that it is mandatory for you to provide personal data marked with asterisks. In the event that you do not provide sufficient personal data, the Welfare Council may not be able to process your online donation and/or purchase orders.
      You have to ensure the accuracy of all the personal data supplied. Please notify the Welfare Council of any change of your personal data as soon as possible.
      Save and except the exempted circumstances specified under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and/or correction of your personal data held by the Welfare Council. For enquires or application, please contact our Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team at “12/F, 112 Kennedy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong” or “”.
      The Welfare Council may utilize your personal data for communicating with you, delivering news and information, and for the purposes of service promotion, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, conducting surveys and other activities associated with the Welfare Council.
      If you wish to request the Welfare Council to cease using your personal data for the above purpose, please contact our Corporate Communications and Marketing Department - Engagement and Partnership Team.
      Click HERE for our “Privacy Policy Statement”.
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