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About Us

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About Us
About Us
Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (the Welfare Council) has been providing multifaceted services to individuals across all ages and socio-economic backgrounds in line with its service philosophy, "Personalized Service, Holistic Care", to "Transforming Lives" so they may "Live in Abundance". With over 200 service units and member agencies across the territory, in Macau and Guangzhou, the Welfare Council has established a comprehensive and close-knit service network. As a branch of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, the Council walks in the footsteps of the Son of Peace, working hand in hand with churches and schools to deliver love and care to the local community and to reach out to all sectors of the communities to collectively build a society of love.
We encourage you to spread your blessings through action! The Welfare Council has set up this dedicated "Online Donation Platform" to let you know about the various fundraising activities of the Council and provide an easy way to donate to support the disadvantaged social groups. We hope that your "heartfelt thoughts" can be sent to the "recipients" through donations to relieve their plight and let them feel the "love" and watchful spirit in the Lord. Let us follow the example of Christ, as the Good Samaritan story teaches: "Love your neighbour as yourself".
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