Secondly Won Donations from Good Elders
Fundraising Target : No Target Fund
The fundraising event has ended
Secondly Won Donations from Good Elders
Fundraising Target : No Target Fund
The fundraising event has ended
Elderly and Rehabilitation Homes Urgently need Your Support
With the severe epidemic in the Hong Kong territories, the 9 elderly homes and 3 rehabilitation homes under the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, with over 1,200 workers and 2,000+ residents, are in dire straits. We urgently need donations to meet the following special expenses.
1️⃣ The manpower market for the Homes is very tight. The Homes need to hire temporary workers at 2-3 times the salary together with additional hardship allowances for staff working in the infected areas and accommodation subsidies, resulting in a significant increase in frontline labour costs.
2️⃣ To protect our staff and residents, we need a wide range of anti-epidemic supplies on an ongoing basis, including the Rapid Test Kits, Oximeters, disposable gowns, eye protection, protective caps, face masks, surgical masks, disinfectants, etc. We also have to pay for expensive disposal costs of the medical wastes.
3️⃣ To ensure the sanitation and cleanliness of the service units, there is an ongoing need for funding to hire qualified suppliers to disinfect the units thoroughly.
Please donate to support us via
(1) Online donation
*(2) Donation by crossed cheque
Make payable to : "Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited"
*(3) Bank transfer to the following bank account under the "Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council"
The Bank of East Asia:015-514-10-407766-1
*Please send the cheque or bank-in slip to 12th Floor, 112 Kennedy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, attention to Ms. Lillie Ching, Resources Development Manager. Also, please indicate " Keep it up! Fighting Against the Epidemic" Donation Programme" on the envelop. If you need official receipt, please leave your name on reciept, address and contact numbers to us.
Tel: 25331296
Email: donation@skhwc.org.hk